Deciding where to pour money for the betterment of infrastructure has always been a topic of debate. Some people suggest that in place of repairing the old buildings, it is good to knock them down and construct a new one.
, I completely disagree with the given opinion and the reasons for my disagreement are explained in Linking Words
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urther essay.
There are some compelling reasons why people feel that demolishing old sites is a convenient option. One of the reason is the cost, generally old constructions need more money to reconstruct with the latest facilities. Add an article
For example
, repairing the dome-shaped roofs of ancient times is quite expensive in the 21st century. Linking Words
, in old time there were minimal facilities in the house and if that building needs repairing. Linking Words
, to some knocking down the old buildings is a more pocket-friendly way.
Though, I strongly believe that these ages-old home not only have become part of our cultural heritage, but they Linking Words
depict the artistic designs of the ancient dynasties. For illustration, the old polls in Gujarat, they are around 400years old built under the Mughal rule. While I concede that, it is dangerous to live in Linking Words
sites as they can collapse anytime, still I think these are part of the tourist attractions. Many people travel all around the world to see and understand the architecture style of previous rulers. The prime example is the Taj Mahal, it is one of the oldest building in the world and still a huge sum is spent on maintenance. Linking Words
, in my opinion, fixing certain flaws in existing buildings is a finer alternative.
In conclusion, Linking Words
restoration is exorbitant, I think old construction Linking Words
of great significance and should not be destroyed and the government should think of other ways to curb the cost of repair by organising some donations.Change the verb form