In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of diverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages.

Many people predict that mode of the transportations is likely to operate without the driver and only the commuters will be inside the moving vehicle. I am of the view that there are more drawbacks rather than any of its benefits. Technological advancements are amazingly making their way for a better future.
For instance
, driverless cars, buses, and trucks are advantageous in the sense that there is no need to hire skilled drivers, a man can easily move from one place to another.
In addition
, reckless and rude drivers will no longer be a problem if
prediction happens.
, in my perspective, riding in a driverless car is absurd. Accidents happen anytime in any part of the road with drivers in control, what more to a vehicle with a computerized control system?
On the other hand
, the uncontrollable incident that happened to the automatic Mitsubishi Montero a few years back, it was proven that the computerized system caused
cases. Reports of accidents came from different points of the region that caused casualties to many. Ultimately, there is a need for human control in
operation for safety and security rather than the electronic-based system. For most people, especially men with families, one of their major sources of income is being an operator of shuttles, jeepneys, and trucks. Many undergraduate gentlemen may have lost the in-demand jobs on the road which is driving, and they do not know any other skills except for
, if they will be eliminated in the future, many families will be hungry. In conclusion, there are legitimate reasons to believe that there are benefits in using a driverless mode of transportation.
, in my point of
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there are much more disadvantages to people in many aspects.
Submitted by josa1328 on

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