In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything, they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people believe that in near future, all individuals tend to spend money on electronic books and newspapers. I agree with
statement because of the high cost of printed publications rather than online or electronic ones and, the process of preparing impacts them on the environment. I will explain in extending my reason in the following. Nowadays, authorities aim to decrease the cost of living by expanding technology in different subjects like publications.
, e-books and online journals getting very famous among people because of the ease of accessibility and the lower price than printed ones. In the global state, there are several e-book websites and mobile phone applications which gathered a wide range of publishment
as articles, books, journals, and newspapers from the whole of the world with incomparable prices and accessible at the touch of a bottom.
For example
, the Amazon website or Z-library categorized many documents in different formats like PDF or audio for consumers and a number of them are free for everyone.
, many book readers are persuaded to pay money to sign these websites
of paying for hard books. From another perspective, the process of preparing paper is highly expensive, and
that, it has serious environmental impacts. A lot of trees need to be cut down for making paper, and
is a cause of the extinction of old trees in the forest which could help to reduce emission carbon in
chaotic circumstance. Thereby, many countries attempted to save their forest land by forbid cut trees and decreasing the need for paper-based work in schools, offices, and institutes because of ecological impacts.
For example
, in Canada, the government made schools use more e-books and electronic files as home works rather than writing papers.
To conclude
, environmental effects and the high price of hard publications are the main reasons for online document spread among societies. I strongly agree with
idea of expanding digital files.
, it would be predictable that, digital publishments are dominant in the world.
Submitted by shojaeinejad_m on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-effective
  • cultural value
  • sentimental value
  • reliability
  • distracting
  • access to
  • digital devices
  • internet
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