some people believe that professional such as doctors and engineers should work in the country where they did their training. Other believe that they should be free to work in another country they wish. Discuss both thses views and give your own opinion.

several people think that specialists should
in the country where they received training, others argue they ought to have the freedom to choose their workplace.
retaining talented workers can accelerate a nation’s development, I think allowing them to select their workplace can help them to reach their full potential. If specialists remain in the country where they were trained, they will help it to develop faster. With their skills and knowledge, expert workers can generate innovative and creative ideas, leading to new advancements in areas
as transportation and public services.
For example
, Japan has developed a high-speed train that reduces commute time, thanks to its brilliant engineers.
, forcing someone to stay where they do not wish to be can hinder their ability to fully utilize their capabilities.
On the other hand
, allowing professionals to choose their preferred workplace can help them unleash their full abilities.
is because the
environment plays a crucial role in their performance.
For instance
, a programmer who wants to excel in their field may need to move to the USA to join leading tech companies.
In contrast
, they do not have the same opportunity if they
for a local company in their hometown. I believe that competent workers should have the freedom to choose whether or not to
abroad. In conclusion, many support the notion that professionals should stay in the country where they received training because they can be a workforce that helps it grow quickly.
, I think obligating someone can prevent them from performing to their full abilities.
, it is better to allow them to decide for themselves.
Submitted by oilzaiceza1234 on

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