Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans faces in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions.

Global warming has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges of our time
as a result
of human activities and the release of greenhouse effects into the atmosphere. Both government and
play a crucial role in mitigating the problem. One of the main problems of global warming is the rising temperatures. As the earth's average temperature increases, several issues arise,
as the melting of polar ice caps and the intensification of extreme weather events.
, these lead to an increase in global sea levels and severe storms and hurricanes, respectively.
, temperature changes can have an impact on agriculture and food security.
For instance
, floods,
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and droughts
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can result in food storage and increased food prices. Indisputably, climate change has direct and indirect impacts on human health. To address these challenges, several solutions could be considered.
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the government
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can promote sustainable and use practices,
as representation and afforestation.
, public authorities must invest in the development of renewable energy technologies,
for example
, wind and solar power plants, and raise public awareness through education campaigns.
contribute to mitigating the phenomenon of global warming by adopting eco-friendly habits.
includes reducing waste and conserving water resources. By taking responsibility for our individual actions, we can collectively make a positive impact on our planet. In conclusion, global warming presents a critical and urgent challenge that requires concerted efforts from both governments and
. It is through the collective commitment and collaborative actions of governments, institutions, and
that we can strive to combat global warming and create a sustainable future for our planet and future generations.
Submitted by Sonia Kougioni on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph flows logically into the next, creating a cohesive and coherent essay structure.
task achievement
Provide more specific examples and elaboration to support your main points and strengthen your arguments.
task achievement
The essay effectively addresses the issues of global warming and its associated problems.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are well-presented, framing the essay effectively.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • global warming
  • sea levels
  • alarming rates
  • associated
  • possible solutions
  • increased flooding
  • loss of habitat
  • displacement
  • vulnerable
  • infrastructure
  • storm surges
  • economic impact
  • saltwater intrusion
  • freshwater systems
  • coastal defense systems
  • sea walls
  • levees
  • mangroves
  • coral reefs
  • wave energy
  • erosion
  • urban planning
  • climate resilience
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • mitigate
  • adaptive measures
  • public awareness
  • international cooperation
  • sustainable
  • environmental policies
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