Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about whether or not advertising can convince people to buy materials or services. Some people argue that
due to
the amount of advertisements we receive each day, they are not able to impress us anymore. I agree with
statement to some extent. In my opinion,
we are almost indifferent to that information, we are not completely free from their influence. We are living in the digital era
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when we are bombarded by the amount of information we receive.
As a result
, we no longer pay attention to them. I believe that if we decided to think carefully about the data we receive, we would be struggling with various mental disorders by now.
For example
, nobody fully remembers the content of all the Instagram posts they viewed yesterday. Over time, we have learned to select what we want to be affected by, and obviously, advertisement is not one of them.
On the other hand
, there are other factors contributing to our behaviour patterns that we should take into account Of course we do not want to waste our time watching promotional videos, but what if we are looking for a suggestion on what we want to buy?
For instance
, if a person wants to buy a new mobile phone, they will voluntarily search for each company's advertisements, because it allows them to make a better decision.
, not everything we do is under our control. To explain more, we should be aware that some advertising companies target our unconscious mind, and they use psychological methods to impress us. It is true that we don't watch a video that promotes a particular oil company, but when we go shopping, we are more likely to pick that company's products unconsciously.
, I argue that there are still some ways for the advertising industry to impress us. In conclusion, I restate that
we tend to pick the type of content we are interested in and ignore the rest of it, we are still, to some extent, influenced by advertising.
Submitted by athena.karimzadeh on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • persuade
  • promote
  • attract
  • influence
  • impact
  • consumerism
  • commercialism
  • market
  • product
  • brand
  • endorsement
  • manipulative
  • saturated
  • overwhelmed
  • repetitive
  • distracting
  • irrelevant
  • exaggerated
  • misleading
  • desensitized
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