These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

The number of fathers staying at home taking care of their children has significantly increased in the past few years. I will discuss the reasons behind
phenomenon and why I think it is a positive development. The relationship between men and women has radically evolved since the twentieth century.
, a girl nowadays can work as much as a boy does and the latter can take responsibility for the kids.
For example
, in my family, my mother is a working lawyer and it is usually my father who takes care of my siblings and me. The fact that more men stay inside to look after their kids constitutes a positive development for society because children are now raised by both their parents equally.
, traditionally, the father would be very absent in his children’s lives.
, now that things have changed, kids are raised in a more healthy and equal environment, where the husband and wife have the same rights and importance, which inspires them.
For instance
, little girls are inspired by their working mothers, and boys learn that it is possible for them to stay inside to take care of their future son or daughter.
To conclude
, the increase in the number of men taking responsibility for their babies can be explained by the evolution of relationships, which has allowed women to go out to work more. I believe it is positive for society because now that both parties are equal in the couple, boys and girls are inspired to become like their parental figures and they learn that it is possible for them both to work and stay at home.
Submitted by santos_dij on

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task response
Consider elaborating more on specific reasons why fathers staying home has become more common. Mention economic factors, societal changes, or flexible work arrangements.
task response
Make sure to further develop your examples to provide a more complete picture. This will strengthen your argument and provide clearer support for your points.
coherence cohesion
Ensure smooth transitions between ideas to improve the overall flow of the essay. This will help maintain a high level of coherence and cohesion throughout the essay.
coherence cohesion
It might be beneficial to use slightly more complex sentence structures and vocabulary to enhance the sophistication of your essay.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which helps in maintaining coherence and cohesion.
task response
You provided relevant examples, like the one about your family, that help illustrate your points and add a personal touch to the essay.
task response
Your arguments were clear and comprehensive, showing a good understanding of the topic and presenting a balanced view.
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