Nowadays, a myriad of people are gaining too much weight, putting them on the verge of a medical crisis. The deterioration of a healthy lifestyle might be the underlying cause, primarily related to a bad diet and lack of exercise .
essay will explain it based on personal and global perspectives.
The existence of fast food has alleviated humans' survival instinct. In the past, our ancestors had to forage in the wildLinking Words
and processed the resources for a long time. Remove the comma
, it all changed ever since ready-made meals Linking Words
as burgers, fried chicken, or hotdogs were dispersed around the neighbourhood. A worker who is busy enough is likely to opt for these delicacies because of how instant they are served. Unfortunately, they are not aware of how hazardous takeaway foods Linking Words
they are prolonged to be consumed. Add a missing verb
are if
For example
, a single burger can contain up to 500 calories, Linking Words
not to mention
the sides and soft drinks that are taken simultaneously. The level of cholesterol and glucose that can encroach from these meals can lead to obesity. In consequence, overweight people are in imminent danger of severe clinical ailments like heart failure, stroke, or cancer.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, the advancement of transportation Linking Words
has shifted how humans commute. Personal vehicles like cars or motorcycles tend to manipulate youngsters. Linking Words
it can be seen as a form of success. Owning those rides can represent how much money we can procure and exert. Linking Words
teenagers will eventually fall into a state of laziness. To illustrate, developing countries usually are undergoing Linking Words
kind of situation. Fuel-powered scooters are used only to travel to a store Linking Words
that is
a couple of miles away from home. In the long term, it can transform their habit unconsciously. The number of steps or walks will be reduced drastically. Linking Words
, the body will not store the piled-up calories as a source of energy, but as a waste. Needless to say, exacerbated by fast food consumption as I mentioned in the previous paragraph. Linking Words
ironic lifestyle will likely end with weight and other acute health problems.
To summarize, the reasons for overweight and dangerous illnesses can be tracked as far as poor life habits from fast-food diets and modern-day vehicles. It can be predicted that Linking Words
complex issue are hard to encounter if people are resistant to change themselves in the near future. Personally, I would suggest they start with a few daily changes. Linking Words
, the challenge to be healthy will not be felt as a burden.Linking Words