The chart below shows the average cost of a monthly contract for four different mobiles in a European country from January to September 2002,measure in euro

The chart below shows the average cost of a monthly contract for four different mobiles in a European country from January to September 2002,measure in euro
The graph shows how much money (in
) four different mobile phone operators charged on average each month from January to September of 2002. As can be observed,
dominated in terms of pricing,
Sim TX had the fastest-growing service charge.
Alpha's service cost generally stabilized, Lex marginally increased the fee. With monthly contracts ranging from 15 to 25
had the most expensive options; July had the highest demand. But for the first six months, Sim TX was the company that offered the least expensive service, charging roughly 5
. It wasn't until July that it matched Alpha at 10
, and in September it surpassed
, the top firm, at 25
—a five-fold rise over its starting charge. Lex increased its prices over time, just like
and Sim TX, but it did so at a far slower rate (7
) than the other competitors.
On the other hand
, Alpha's monthly cost remained very consistent, with the exception of a minor increase of 4
in May and June. Following that, the sum returned to its typical level of approximately 10

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Vocabulary: Replace the words euros, domo with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "shows" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "undefined" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: The word "increased" was used 3 times.
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