Most artists earn low salaries and should therefore receive funds from government in order for them to continue with their work. To what extent do you agree?

Nowadays, many
have suffered from poverty, and it has become a major issue in many parts of the world. I partly agree that the
should provide funding to
since low payments might be the fundamentally hardest part of continuing with their artworks. On the one hand, there are several grounds to support the view that funding services cannot be a perfect method ultimately to resolve
, funding might be misused it the wrong purposes
as gambling, drugs and drinking.
According to
recent research, some
who are provided subsidies from the
reported that they had experiences of using that was needless to create their art. In short, money might not be the best solution to solve their artistic works problems.
On the other hand
, I believe that the
should mitigate the fundamental problem which is the proper funding regulations.
To begin
with, earning low salaries makes it difficult to continue with their
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. In fact, money is connected with directly some difficulties in making creations
as the lack of materials
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and holding art exhibitions.
For instance
, a variety of artistical scholarships from the
can help not only create artworks
as supplying art materials
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use the living cost.
, numerous
can live and get opportunities to maintain their artwork by receiving funding. In conclusion, it is not a clear-cut issue as there are pros and cons for both perspectives. Despite there are diverse methods to support
, I suggest that providing funding is the most effective solution.
Submitted by kimjy3329 on

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