A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values such as honour, kindness, and trust no longer seem important. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Currently, the worth of one person seems to be valued by their social presence and net worth. Lots of great traditional
like honesty, truth, and being kind seem no longer prioritised by
generation. I strongly disagree with
due to
the fact that there are plenty of people who still manage to hold these
. Without neglecting how the community
social status and material possessions, there
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already done. First and foremost, how much someone earns and how high their position in society indeed matters.
public perceptions of someone mostly will be based on that, these are not the only things that determine one's value.
, kindness is important to have, and so are honour and trust. Wealth, fortune, and fame will have no meaning if they do not hold those kinds of principles.
For example
, as a social being, one’s heart will be full when one shares with others. Being rich and famous is good, but being kind is better.
, the old-fashioned beliefs that most people taught are already gone, in fact, still linger in today's community.
is because lots of parents still teach their kids how to have good morality.
In addition
, by attending school, those
are being taught to the pupils, so they will remain intact with them.
For instance
, there are many volunteers who continuously run their charity
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to help the poor. In conclusion,
chivalry principles remain in
modern era. It is our job to make sure that kind of noble beliefs never perish,
many people still look up to fame and fortune.
Submitted by nputera.ramadhani on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Social status
  • Material possessions
  • Old-fashioned values
  • Honour
  • Kindness
  • Trust
  • Judged
  • Importance
  • Traditional
  • Reflection
  • Achievements
  • Hard work
  • Disregarded
  • Well-balanced
  • Meaningful
  • Cultural norms
  • Societal norms
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