Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is widely believed that tertiary institutions' seats should be equally allocated between male and female
for every course. I strongly disagree with
point of view because providing the same
for different genders may put them in stressful lives and limit
' particular abilities.
To begin
with, allocating the same
for boys and girls by university faculty may put them
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constant stress.
is because every student has a different mindset for particular
as a result
, when assigned compulsory and non-compulsory
, it may put them in a sedentary lifestyle
as stress, pressure, and anxiety.
For instance
according to
a survey conducted by the New Times in India, every minute, a student may attempt suicide
due to
failing in multiple
, which impacts their academic career.
, if more
are enrolling in every course which is against their desire,
the suicide rate will surge rapidly.
, another reason why I disagree with
view is that it limits
' abilities when studying the same
. A key point to notice is that most opposite genders differ in the idea of getting better grades in every subject provided by institution faculty and only focus on compulsory
which have practical meaning in life.
, they want to pursue their careers before enrolling on university degrees and diplomas to acquire basic skills and knowledge about the industry. There are various IT universities,
for example
, that only enrol their
in compulsory
which are imperative for their career growth.
not only benefits corporations but
the country's economy.
To conclude
, even though universities make it compulsory for both genders to be accepted only when going through every academic subject, I believe that reducing constant stress, and pressure, and not limiting
' capabilities to acquire their goals can only happen unless institution faculty makes compulsory
Submitted by abdulahad08600 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • gender diversity
  • fostering innovation
  • educational experience
  • enforcing gender quotas
  • merit and potential
  • individual achievements
  • natural differences
  • gender equality
  • reducing gender stereotypes
  • balanced workforce
  • traditionally male-dominated or female-dominated fields
  • fluctuating applicant numbers
  • compromise on quality
  • diversity aspects
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