As Earth runs out of natural resources, we have started to look to space for solutions. However, some people argue that this is the wrong thing to do, and instead, we should look for alternative solutions here on Earth. To what extent do you agree with them? What alternatives might there be to exploiting space for natural resources? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

Nowadays, many companies are exploring
, as they believe it may be useful either for
or to live on another planet.
On the other hand
, many people think that our knowledge about the
is not enough, and still, there are many things to explore that will help us in finding solutions. I agree with the second statement as there are a lot of things on
that we do not know about.
contains a huge amount of minerals that will be helpful for us, still, we should not focus on it as on
there are many types of useful minerals. Utilize what we have and discover it will take less time and
will help us to reach faster progress in different kinds of work.
In addition
, we should pay attention to regenerating these
rather than trying to find a different way to get them.
For example
, the recycling process
that is
done by many countries has a positive effect on reusing
, rather than investing huge amounts of money in exploring
, we should invest in the environment. Many
companies are using large amounts of money, minerals and time to go to
if we take these
to improve nature we will have great results and a lot of
For instance
, rather than trying to find if there is oxygen on Mars, we should seed more trees on
to get oxygen. In conclusion, exploring
may have many benefits, and it could be useful for us, but before that, we should turn our eyes to
and look at what we have and how we can use it and make it beneficial.
Submitted by okalqusay on

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task achievement
Try to provide more specific and detailed examples to support your arguments. This will demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic and make your essay more convincing.
task achievement
Ensure that your main points are fully developed with comprehensive explanations. Add more depth to your points to make your argument stronger.
coherence cohesion
Work on refining your logical structure by ensuring each paragraph smoothly connects to the next. Using transition words or phrases can help in achieving better flow.
task achievement
The introduction clearly outlines the topic and presents your stance effectively.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear logical structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
coherence cohesion
Relevant and reasonable arguments have been put forward in support of the main ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • renewable energy
  • sustainability
  • circular economy
  • recycling
  • waste management
  • resource-intensive
  • environmental regulations
  • corporate responsibility
  • global cooperation
  • resource scarcity
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