50 Latest quot IELTS Topics

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. You want to buy some computers. Therefore, write to a vendor seeking information and price quotation for the same. In your letter • introduce yourself • give details on what types of computers you are looking for • request the quotation
You are selling your TV and you think your friend might be interested in buying it. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you must write: 1.Why are you selling the TV 2.The specifications and price that you are quoting 3.Invite him/her over to your place so they can decide to buy the TV from you.
Should companies (businesses) ensure that they employ a quota (or fixed percentage) of women in all jobs, or is this an impractical concept? Discuss both sides of this debate, and reach a conclusion based on your own opinion.
Should companies ensure that they employ a quota (or fixed percentage) of women in all jobs, or is this an impractical concept? Discuss both sides of this debate, and reach a conclusion based on your own opinion.
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