50 Latest Happen IELTS Topics

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You recently stayed at your friend’s place, to look after the house while he/she is away. You accidentally damaged something in his/her house. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should: describe what the accident was explain when it happened suggest how the damage can be fixed
Robots and AI are being developed to replce humans in workplace. Why is this happening? Do you think this will have a positive or negative impact on society?
These days, in some countries, an increasing number of young adults are choosing to spend their whole weekend inside their own homes Why do you think this is happening? Is this a positive or negative development?
TASK 1 A friend has written you to ask for advice about a problem at work. You have had a similar problem in the past. Write a letter to your friend. • Tell your friend you understand the problem • Explain what happened to you in the past • Suggest possible solutions to the problem. Write at least 150 words You do not need to write any addresses, Begin your letter as follows: Dear …..
In recent years there has been a rise in the popularity of second hand clothing amongst younger genrations . Why is this happening? do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Robots aand artificial intelligence are being developed to replace humans in the workplace. Why is this happening? Do you think this will have a positive or negative impact on society?
Robots and artificial intelligence are being developed to replace humans in the workplace. Why is this happening? Do you think this will have a position or negative impact on society?
You are a member of a sports centre and you have noticed a problem which has not been fixed for some time. Write a letter to the manager of the gym. In your letter tell the manager about the problem explain how this issue is affecting your experience at the gym tell the manager what you would like to happen
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can the government do to reduce the amount of waste produced?
These days in some countries an increasing number of young adults are choosing their whole weekends inside homes. Why do you think it is happening ? Is this a positive or negative development?
You hired a car from a company, while. While you were driving you had a small accident. Write a letter to the company to explain it. In your letter: -- when and where you hired it -- describe how the accident happened -- what kind of action did you take after the accident
Some people feel that developments in science are happening so fast that it is difficult for people to appreciate the effects of such advances. Others feel we should trust scientists more and stop worrying. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Children nowadays are playing less and less sport and this is having a bad effect on their health and their behaviour. Why do you think this is happening? What can we do to solve the problem?
You have just enrolled in a 12 week English class, but have found that you have a family problem and you will have to return home. Write to the school. In your letter 􀁸 Explain what has happened 􀁸 Request a refund 􀁸 Ask whether you will be able to return at a later date
You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter -ask your friend to send you one of the photographs. -explain why you need that particular photograph -and tell your friend what happened to your copy of it.
Write about the following topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You recently Stayed at your friends Place to look after the house while he/she is away. You accidentally damaged something in his/her house. write a letter to feed friend In your letter you should : • Describe what the accident was • explain when it happened • Suggest how the damage can be fixed
Nowadays, many people change jobs quite regularly, rather than working in one company for their entire career. Why do you think this is happening? How can companies keep their workers?
You are staying at your friend’s house who is traveling to another country. A recent storm damaged the house. Write a letter to your friend And say: What happened and when, What was damaged in the house, What needs to be done about it
You recently used a taxi and left some important documents there. Write a letter to the taxi manager and say: – Describe what you left and where it happened. – Why are these papers important? – What would you like the manager to do about it?
In many countries, government spent a large amount of money on improving internet access. Why is it happening and do you think it is the most appropriate use of government money?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is important to know about events happening around the world, even if it is unlikely that they will affect your daily life.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Nowadays more and more tasks at home and at work are being performed by robots. Why do you think it’s happening? Is it a negative or positive development?
Write a letter to the bus company. In your letter, inform the bus company of when and to where you travelled describe your suitcase and what happened to it explain why the company should pay for a new suitcase
Example 6: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the punishment. Why are this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?
Nowadays many business meetings and trainings are happening online and not in real offices. Do you think, the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages?
Deforestation caused by human activities is happening in many parts of the world, with serious results for the environment. What do you think can be done to solve this problem?
In many developing countries, there is an increasing movement of workers from rural areas into cities. Why do you think this happen? What problems can this cause.
Your city council is planning to pull down one of the historic buildings in your town because they do not have funds to renovate it. As a citizen, you do not want it to happen. Write a letter to the city council. In your letter, •say what the importance of this historic building is •mention why it should be renovated rather than pull down •suggest a plan to raise funds and maintain the building in the future
In some parts of the world, traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing. Why is this happening? What measures could be taken to ensure they do not disappear?
Deforestation caused by human activity is happening in many parts of the world, with serious results for the enviroment. What do you think can be done to solve this problem?
Some animal species are now completely extinct. Many people believe that we should prevent this from happening in the future. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You stayed at a hotel last week. After you got home, you realized that you had left your watch behind. Write a letter to the hotel manager and explain what happened. Describe the watch and ask them to help you find it.
You want to appear for an interview to an another city by train. The train departed late form the station and you could not reach in time. Write a letter to the railway officer of your city. In your letter : * When you travelled and why the train departed late * What happened as a result * How you feel about the problem
Last week you were on a flight to London. Unfortunately, when you got off the plane, you left a bag there. You did not remember about the bag until you got to your hotel. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter explain what has happened describe the bag and its contents say what you would like them to do about this problem You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,
Your next door neighbour owns a small dog that barks throughout the day and the night. Write a letter to your neighbour requesting that something be done about the dog. Include in your letter-Your reason for writing, What you would like to happen. A nice, respectful style
Nowadays, many people change jobs quite regularly, rather than working in the one company for their entire careers. Why do you think this is happening? How can companies keep their workers?
It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. Dinosaur, dodos …) There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?
You happened to witness a film being shot in your locality. Write a letter in 120-150 words to a friend describing your experience. You are Rani/Raman. 15. Vinay Nagar. Doty. ADS. 15. Vinay Nagar, Ooty.
In many parts of the world, people are choosin gto have fewer children. Why do you think this is happening? What impacts may it have on society?
Write about the following topic: Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have become used to this. Why is this happening? Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the drawbacks? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.
In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shop using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you thinkthis will be happen one day? Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash?
Robots and artificial intelligence re being developed to replace humans in the workplace. Why is this happening? Do you think this will have a positive or negative impact on society?
For many young people today, shopping is their favourite free time activity. Why do you think this has happened? Should young people be encouraged to do different activities in their free time?
The internet has changed the way we communicate. Much communication today happens through social media. Some people support this and think it is a positive development. Others believe that social media have negative effects. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
In many places women are taking jobs which are traditionally done by men. What do you think make these changes happen? What is your opinion about it?
Nowadays technology is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and doing (for example, through cellphone tracking and security cameras). In many cases, the people being monitored are unaware that this is happening. Do you think the advantages of this developmente outweight the disadvantages?
Some studies suggest that children spend more time watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active and creative things. Why do you think this is happening? What measures and methods can be used to solve the issue
A close friend told you recently about a major argument she has had with her parents Write a letter to your friend. In your letter •Explain that you understand the reasons why they argued. •Describe a similar situation that happened to you once. •Suggest some activities to clear your friend up.
In many countries goverments are investing in new technology to deal with public. Why is this happening? Do you think this is an appropriate use of goverment money?
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