IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is becoming a trend where criminals commit repeated felonies despite being punished in the past. There are a plethora of reasons contributing to this behaviour such as depression, unemployment, etc, The government an
It is becoming a trend where, criminals commit repeated felony despite being punished in the past. There are plathora of reasons contributing to this behaviour such as depression, unemployment, etc,. Government and other
There is no doubt that crimes plague every society. The occurrence of repeating offenders is quite high which can be attributed to prejudice towards criminals and inadequate health conditions. Nevertheless, it is expecte
Nowadays, it is quite obvious that prisoners continue to commit crimes, even if they are being penalized, therefore, individuals question this on social media platforms and try to attempt the authorities to take action i
It is argue, that there are some of the people still doing evil actions after their penalty for doing something bad. This essay will be first discuss why this thing happens, and second how crime can be stopped.
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the recommit crimes after being penalized. This essay is devoted to the underlying roots and followed by some equivalent resolutions.
There are controversial statements heating debate over the continued reoffending of crimes after being back in society. This essay is devoted to the underlying roots and followed by some equivalent resolutions.
There are controversial perspectives heating a debate over the fact that prisoners continue to commit crimes again after being punished for their wrong behaviors. This essay is devoted to the underlying roots, followed b
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact that people continue to recommit felonies after being punished for their bad behaviour.This essay is devoted to the underlying culprits, followed by som
It is ture that some ex-criminals will re-offend after serving the prison sentences. There are multifarious reasons that contributing this issue and various measures that could address this problem.
In recent days, commiting a crimes is horrible action. However repeating this awful activity is rapidly incrasing. Society warning about brealing laws about criminals. Hence citizens indicates to undertake some strong p
In our ever-changing world, people do action against the law accompanied with a lot of reasons. After They are punished by law for doing wrong things, they will do it again. It is a worse cycle. This essay is going to di
Some criminals tend to do crimes again and again , even after they are punished for their previous falts. while drug and alcohol addictions and some problems with laws may be the main causes for this , we can prevent i
There is a growing trend towards the occurrence of repeat offenders in society in recent decades. While there are some driving forces behind the curtain, several viable measures could be taken to mitigate this phenomenon
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