Plastic shopping bags are known to be absolutely cheap and convenient. Some people think that plastic bags should be prohibited because there are not only polluted on land but also in the water. I completely agree, but I
Nowadays, the problem of pollution is increasing day by day, which becomes a serious concern to the nations.As, in some countries, plastic bags are very hazardous to health and considered to be the main source of rubbish
Nowadays plastic bags have become an integral part of our life. Despite the fact that they are cheap to produce and easy to use, plastic bags also cause enormous pollution both on land and in oceans. For that reason some
It is believed that plastic shopping bags should not be used for the reason of environmental pollution, both in water and land and the most important rate of rubbish are full of them. This essay suggests two fundamental
Some people think that plastic shopping bags should be prohibited because they are one of the major pollutants of both land and water around the world. I completely agree, but I think there are other measures that can be
yes plastic is the main cause of most of the desises and plastic can spoil the soil never be destroyed and oceans are polluatted with plasic which case fishes and their life .
Plastic pollution is becoming one of the greatest threats to our environment, particularly the oceans, and the plastic bags are the main culprits. Some have therefore suggested banning the use of these bags. This essay w
Plastic bags nowadays are highly used in many countries and that causes many environmental issues that impact our lives. I completely agree that plastics are the main source of pollution in air, soil and water. This essa
In recent times, plastic bags used for shopping have been a major cause of pollution in many countries. Hence, some people believe that these items should be proscribed in order to reduce contamination of the earth. Howe
Pollution is a phenomenona which have detrimental effects on environment. one of the major cause of soil and water pollution is non-biodegradable bags which not only harms living beings but also disturbs the whole ecosys