IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In contemporary workplaces, the practise of requiring employees to wear uniforms is prevalent across industries. This practise has both advantages and disadvantages, influencing the organizational environment and individ
In recent years, many corporations have included the rule of dressing in their policy that obliges their employees to clothing on the given uniform. Although these outstanding outfits represent their brand, they also cos
In contemporary workplaces, the practice of requiring employees to wear uniforms is prevalent across various industries. This practice has both advantages and disadvantages, influencing the organizational environment and
The utilization of uniforms is abundant in schools, yet some organizations seem to be adapting this for their workers. In these workplaces, employees are mandated to wear uniforms throughout their work. This essay will d
Many businesses are nowadays leaning towards wearing a uniform to the work locations, and this has both pros and cons, which will now be discussed
Wearing uniforms certainly has benefits and drawbacks in the workplace. There are many people who believe that having to wear formal garments at work is essential while others disagree with this statement.
Wearing uniforms certainly has benefits and drawbacks in the workplace. Many people believe that wearing uniforms at work is essential while others disagree with this statement.
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