IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many countries which have beautiful tourism place is not merely obtaining a positive impact from the holidaymaker. They might be gaining many drawbacks such as assimilation of some culture, or the environmental pollution
People who live in tourist area was earned more income from the tourism industry. It means they have to provide more facilities for visitor’s comfort. This status leads them toward some disadvantage which may original re
It is supposed by some that, tourism has bad impact on the countries that that people travel to. The most serious ones are connected with the natural environment and the traditions of that place. The amount of these unde
After having a busy schedule, people tend to get way from it all in the summer by going on holiday. Therefore, the number of tourists often grows fluctuate which has vacation. Government and inhabitant to understand the
With media is developing sharply, so tour becomes easier than in the past. There are so many beautiful countries, where travellers want to explore and enjoy life. Tourism industry, they knew these demands and they try to
With media is developing sharply, so tour becomes easier than in the past. There are so many beautiful countries, where travellers want to explore and enjoy life. Tourism industry, they knew these needs and they try to p
with media is developing sharply, the travel becomes easy than in the past. There are many countries which opened for tourism groth at the same time these needs as accommndation, food, playground, shopping also increased
There is the truth that people feel tourism has caused many damaging influences on cultures and environments of a country. This essay will discuss the problems many countries face due to growing tourism industry and how
After having a hectic schedule, people tend to get away from it all in the summer by going on a holiday. Therefore, the number of tourists often grow rapidly which has two-sided influences. Government and residents are t
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