Few people are insecure irrespective of the fact that they are at home or out in the public places.
essay will Linking Words
discuss the possible reason to the negative thoughts, and later will discuss the viable solutions to address the matter.
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To begin
with, major contributors for a person not being confident could be, too much of the violent crime coverage by media and viral information on social media platforms. Media is focusing too much on negativity, it is making news to increase their TRPs, Linking Words
in addition
to that, social media has Linking Words
become a tool to spread viral news like a fire. Linking Words
For example
, recently, cross boarder issue news in India, spread among people, Linking Words
influenced many to assume that they are not in a safe environment since social media and press were constantly covering the chain of incidents.
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the situation is Linking Words
, people should choose a right source of information and media should be careful to release news, these two initiatives would make citizens feel they are safe. Looking at the positive aspects of their surroundings and reading news from reliable source Linking Words
of watching news channels that are merely running for business or viral videos online, would enable one to trust and have secured feeling. Linking Words
For instance
, a newspaper called 'The Better India ' publishes all the positive news about growth, news readers cheer up and feel confident about their country.
In conclusion, though one is in a place which has positivity and negativity around, it is one's choice to perceive the positive or negative aspect. Even though, there are crimes happening, Linking Words
on the other hand
, if people can learn to focus on the developmental factors, they would not have any disillusion, but will build trust in the society they are living in.Linking Words