Professionals in
the Correct article usage
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medical occupations, state that
and females in
a Correct article usage
show examples
middle-ageCorrect your spelling
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a Correct article usage
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problemFix the agreement mistake
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, fertility treatment (IVF) should be given to them for money.
essay disagrees with
point of view because of
the Correct article usage
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human rights, declining the birth rate in different regions, and newborns
can sufferWrong verb form
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from different diseases.
It is widely accepted in public, that each woman has a right to born a child and if it is possible, she should not be discriminated against because of her weight. Human rights are basic to human beings. Currently, the government making a lot of effort to promote equality.
, United Nations conventions do not allow to have
discrimination in
the Correct article usage
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public and
should be penalized.
It is certainly true that IVF is very useful for the
increaseChange the verb form
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number of
in different parts of the world. More and more
have struggled
problemsChange preposition
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with obesity and if IVF is not
for Change preposition
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free, the population will decrease because
therapy costs a lot and most
the Correct article usage
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could notWrong verb form
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afford it.
, Kazakhstan is the biggest territory in Central Asia,
, it has an issue with
aCorrect article usage
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weight of
, but in total the
residing in
destination are not too much. The state started to encourage
a Remove the article
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free pregnancy care and for now, the results are amazing; the population started to grow.
Another important factor is finance, and the new generation will become unhealthy which is bad for society. The reason for
is that
become more unhealthy, If pregnancy
cure chargesVerb problem
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some money,
sheCorrect pronoun usage
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will start to find ways how to save money. They can use an unauthorized medical institution that provides
services for less pay.
can be a result of diseases and illness. A recent study shows that 51
percentChange the spelling
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who have used not official medical services born sick offspring.
In conclusion, free fertility treatment has a lot of advantages for
aCorrect article usage
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world population and it will
be Unnecessary verb
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a Correct article usage
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ofChange preposition
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a healthy generation in the future.
with obesity should not be discriminated
justChange preposition
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because of
herCorrect pronoun usage
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bodyFix the agreement mistake
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, it
is violatingWrong verb form
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the rights of humans.