Artists need a certain amount of freedom to develop their creativity. Some people think that artists should have total freedom to express any thoughts and ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

is the externalization of the skills of an artist;
, some individuals opine that they should be provided full liberty to express their creativity, whereas fewer think it can be allowed only to an extent.
I agree with the point that freedom is important for artists, the
half of the notion should
be taken into account. There are various reasons why some are in the favour to give full liberty to artists.
, it is a known fact that people can understand the profound meaning of making when artists incorporate their creative thoughts into that
. To exemplify, people
had downplayed the severity of global warming, until an article was published with potential causes by The Times Magazine.
, it helps to unveil the social issues. It has been witnessed that different forms of
as songs, stories, and movies have
been created awareness amongst the general populace.
, they should be allowed to express their vast knowledge.
, full autonomy may have an adverse effect on the individual and on the society because it would hurt the sentimental values of some masses when the artist's opinion contradicts their belief.
For instance
, an eminent singer Sangeeth Singh has released an album, in which few lyrics are against a particular religion which was resulted in communal riots.
, owing to
potential chaos, artists should limit themselves while dealing with crucial matters. To sum up, despite
can bring laurels, an artist achieves real success only when it doesn't forge any negative impact on the society as well as admired by everyone irrespective of their religion, community, and gender. I believe, in the future, the creators will be more conscious while making

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • creativity
  • freedom of expression
  • innovative
  • ethical considerations
  • societal morals
  • unregulated
  • provoke thought
  • controversy
  • government regulation
  • censorship
  • diverse perspectives
  • artistic expression
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