With the growth in
technology, students are learning through it by sitting at their homes, so certain individuals believe that educational institutes are not needed anymore. I completely disagree with the notion because, in schools, learners learn according to the curriculum, and they develop their skills while studying there.
To commence with, the schools are necessary because teachers in Use synonyms
schools teach
Accept comma addition
schools, teach
children according
to the syllabus made by the educational experts. Accept comma addition
children, according
, they learn only those topics which are essential. Linking Words
As a result
, it saves a lot of time and efforts. Whereas, on the Linking Words
, there may be a vast material available for a particular topic, Use synonyms
by learning from it can be a waste of time and energy. Linking Words
For example
, according to a survey conducted in a newspaper, it is found that students who studied in educational institutes have Linking Words
more precise knowledge
of subjects as compared to the learners who learned by themselves at home through the Suggestion
a more precise knowledge
. Use synonyms
, schools are vital to gain information in less time.
Linking Words
, when learners go to school, they meet with their peers and Linking Words
participate in events that are organized by the institute. Linking Words
practice not only improves their communication skills, but Linking Words
their mental ability, which may help them in their future to secure a reputed job. Linking Words
For instance
, in a survey conducted by Cambridge University, it is found that there are 50 percent more chances of getting a job when students are educated from in comparison to at home through the Linking Words
. Use synonyms
, it makes the future bright for learners.
To summarize, I believe that schools play a significant role in educating children. They can learn through guided material as well as develops their skills vital to acquire a job.Linking Words