There is an increasing trend around the world of married couples deciding not to have children, Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for couple who decide to do this.

Nowadays, the global birth rate has declined as more married
choose not to conceive for various reasons. Financial freedom, pursuing unthinkable hobbies, and better living standards are the main reasons why many parents do not have
. In
essay, I will discuss the disadvantages of
decision. On the one hand, there are many obstacles to having no offspring.
, married
may lose their sense of direction and feel like they are missing out when their friends talk about their
For example
, they may question the rightness of their decision and wonder why many people like them chose parenthood. They might feel isolated and disconnected from friends who are raising
, owing to their lack of understanding and experience in parenting.
, some
might fear future regret over their decision not to have
as they age. Preparing an appropriate pension scheme after retirement becomes critical because nursing home payments may be their only option if they cannot self-care. They may feel isolated and lonely in old age compared to the happiness they might have experienced with their descendants.
, these elderly may provoke a sense of remorse when isolated.
On the other hand
phenomenon has some advantages.
, the foremost benefit is that
have more money as they do not need to save for backup plans and have more time for themselves
due to
less demanding career goals. They can follow their favourite lifestyles, achieve work-life balance, engage in preferred activities, and invest in their hobbies.
As a result
, they can travel together within their monetary capacity and focus more on their relationship. Some experiences would be unforgettable and impossible if they became parents.
, having no offspring allows them to avoid the strain of the monetary rat race needed to fulfil physical demands.
prevents strain on their relationship
due to
the demands of parenthood.
For instance
, the financial pressure on breadwinners and postpartum depression in wives can be avoided, leading to better living standards.
To conclude
, there are some disadvantages to choosing not to conceive, including losing direction when young and experiencing depression in middle age. Ultimately, financial freedom and better living conditions are the primary motivations for some parents who decide not to have
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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