Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time, and have health problems as a result. Why do many working people not get enough exercise? And what can be done about this problems?

Some people argue that lots of workers rarely do
in their daily life, and these lifestyles can result in the health issues.
essay will talk about the reason why working people hardly get to do
and how to improve the problems.
To begin
with, there are some possible reasons of spending less or no time for working out. The main reason is that employees need a relaxation more than exercising during the working days.
is because they generally through hard working hours and spend their whole energies on their tasks. So they maybe get tired mentally and physically.
, it is highly-possible that they want to take a rest rather than move their body. Another reason is that there are a number of other activities to enjoy in the free time. In fact, as the recent survey from the Korea Herald reported, over 80% Young generation answered they prefer doing indoor activities
as watching movies or playing computer games.
situation above can cause the disease like obesity and heart illness.
Therefore people
Accept comma addition
Therefore, people
should tackle these health issues from having a governmental and personal level effort.
of all, the governments should provide some places for working out to citizens. To build facilities
as sports centres and encourage people to go there with cheap price will help them to do physical activities.
, people, personally, should have an effort to move their bodies as much as they can, for their health. Stretching their body and walking for short distance will help them reduce the rate of getting illness which results from doing less or no
. In conclusion, it seems to me that doing
can prevent some disease and keep fit, even though people need to pay particular attention to do it.
, working out should be encouraged among workers for their wellness in the long term.
Submitted by HyebinYoo  on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Time constraints
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Passive leisure activities
  • Workplace wellness programs
  • Active commuting
  • Subsidized
  • Public awareness
  • Health benefits
  • Incentivizing
  • Accessible public spaces
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