It is often said that,
of the universe. Addiction of social media
is becomeSuggestion
has become
is becoming
a controversial issue in
contemporary world scenario;
essay illustrates two major detrimental effects which are tightly glued
social media, and how it cure and positively influence into the youngsters by implementing some possible solutions.
and foremost,
impacts which are delivered by over utilizing of social platforms
as Suggestion
such as Facebook
as such Facebook
Face book, twitter,
, messenger and Viber have performed hazardous to the human
notnegation of a word or group of words
only that
by modern technological advancements, but
a means of generating negative human attitudes towards demolishing the social and cultural trends of humankind.
, hundreds of
with just looking
aexpresses position, direction or location, or point in time
friend notifications:
prioritise the highest engagement rate of their publishing photos, pleasurable activities without concerning their personality,
, as juveniles, they have
newly personal requirements, so that, without
of web users
a social offenders or uncooperative depression patients.
, deficiency of collaborative skill and inadequate interpersonal relationships would be interrupted to the
itof a thing, of it; possessive form of "it"
reasons for cultural abuses, and military groups.
, over exposures of
or other web media
terrible affections to the young population.
, it is truthfully acceptable that
education is the future advancement of a country;
global networks trendSuggestion
the global networks trend
is aspirating pessimistically into the teenagers and
young adults. As
, cloud computing
illiteracy and negative
trait: scholars are increasingly procrastinated in their powerful
, their level of concentration is
due to continuous
of fake news, cyber depression, deficiency of physical activities and sleeping disorders.
and every individual affections are badly affected to the child’s education.
Turning to the possible solutions;
, social networks are the place from which all individuals can enhance their skills and talents effortlessly;
thinking critically it will impress human’s ethics and their ability of brainstorming. To elaborate, Some
broadcast their genius written lessons and research proposals which are gratefully assisted for academic education;
, being globalization schoolmates, siblings, and other associates whom are
since long before are not crashing their social bonds.
, as enjoyment of public global network
numerous information through e-learning, e-commerce, e- channelling and e-shopping. Despite, instant information that required within a short time periods;
, it is to say that,
adolescent’s future protection can be stabilized by introducing networks laws, policies and strategies. Parental guidance,
skills, and psychological counselling are keeping fruitfulness to the
’s well- beings.
To sum up, while rapid rising of social networks give immense benefits to the mankinds, it distributes some ineffectual role models and unlawful video series into network community;
, as less social experienced persons,
populations would be warmly welcome to the social network