IELTS Writing Samples Band 4.5

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As there are advancements in technology, there will an option for individual who are wanting to travel to space in the future. This essay will discuss what are the pros and cons for travelling into the space where I believe it may hamper the environment wellbeing.
Some people believe that young people should invest their time in education fully before they reach 18 years old. I agree to this statement to some extent because of the time needed for brain developement, social skill enhancement, and maturity to choise a proper career that full time education can provide.
Undoubtedly, some people are getting more worsed due to changes in their behaviours along with do not giving respect to others in today's world. In this essay, I will analyze the reasons along with suitable solutions to overcome above-mentioned statement in the upcoming paragraphs.
Nowadays,tendency of professionals,such as,teachers and doctors leaving their countries to work in more developed ones gained a momentum.This means a loss in number of specialists in less developed countries.This essay will discuss the causes of this problem and suggest a solution.
There is no doubt that these days many people believe that why. Why many people believe the high education it is important for good life but rather than must the people thinks not important to bring good qualifications to get better life.
In the past, Letters and Newspapers are vital for sending information. Entertainments were usually on television such as football games, television dramas and reality shows. Moreover, students had to prepare books for each day's lessons. Some heavy books were hard to carry to school. That was the reason why studying was very hard.
It is indeed true that, nowadays, people are suffereing more from different types of illness and diseases aa compared to earlier. It is stated that obesity among youth has surged approximately 20% since last decade in the western side of the world. I will discuss the reasons and impacts of this current trend in the subsequent paragraphs.
Over the last few decades,the proportion of overweight for children who live in the west of community has risen dramatically at roughly %20.In other words,more and more kids are becoming fat every day.It is obvious that this issue has alot of various causes and effects.In this essay,I will address some reasons and also I will express some significant consequences.
The life of a normal humain contains three phases. The first is the childhood phase. The second is the teenage years and the finally phase is the adult life. Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest time of most people's lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of grater responsibilities. The both groups have logical reasons.
Have you ever thought about having operation to change the way you look?Well,there many people who chose to change the way they look.people who do it have their own reasons although this they that can lead to many drawbacks,
In recent studies, it has shown that a huge number of international students prefer to study in another city or country. This is due to a lot of reasons and benefits a student can gain while studying elsewhere. For example, they study elsewhere to adapt to a different change in environment, making them more flexible and can easily adapt in other environments in the future.
There is a negative situation in some countries which is nesseccary for people to buy a house insted of renting one because of incresing the cost of every single thing that is the result of turning up the renting cost in some countries.
In today’s world, numerous businesses support sports and idol athletics as a way of spreading themselves, a number of societies believe it is an interesting opinion, while other people have adverse views. In my point of view, advertising the image of idols in outside activities has both a beneficial view for them and their concern, on the contrary also it brings the adverse effect on the companies if they are advertising incorrect people.
The primary goal of science should be to improve people’s live. I believe, to date, science has benefited humanity through various advancements, including medical advancement and technological innovations.
It’s believed that an international sport events are hosted by a country is good however others said that it is bad for the country. Both sides have pros and cons for the country. So when the country take a responsibility like that, the government will hold a balance.
Global warming is one of the most pressing issue facing our planet today, moreover, consequences of a warming climate are becoming increasingly evident, with rising temperatures. In this essay, l will attempt to shed light on the problems this trend gives rise to responsible and will propose some rational solutions to overcome this challenges.
Education is the key to success. Health care workers and teachers play a vital role in the development of the society and they should be motivate more as compared to actors and fun industry. I completely agree with this statement. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will describe some points to support my opinion.
Some individuals think that face to face education will become antiquated due to the rise of virtual learning nowadays. The writer disagree with the above statement. The essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of both virtual and face to face learning methods.
Weather alterations is major issue that got seriousness in the last few years. Few people believe that, we should restrict the usage of fossils and use other natural resources such as, wind and solar energy. Whereas, other people thought that these organic resources are crucial for the survival of our economy. In my opinion, use of oil and gas is important but, we should make measures to use other sources as well. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will describe some points to justify my opinion.
Due to the environmental problems that the world is facing nowadays, people argue that in the next years, people will have a difficult time to survive in Earth. In regard to this matter, government must invest in exploring other terrestrial planets that is inhabitable and I, mostly agree with this.
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