It is commonly believed that the rich states are becoming rich, whereas the poor countries are getting worse with each passing day. The main reason behind
disequilibrium is the unequal distribution and use of resources. Linking Words
problem can be solved by the collective efforts of both the wealthy as well as the underprivileged nations.
The world is straying from the balanced path as the nations are following just one rule Linking Words
that is
''might is right''.The strongest economies of the globe are becoming so much powerful that they drain the reserves of underdeveloped ones on account of food, security and basic necessities of life.Ultimately, Linking Words
will ruin the economy of the Linking Words
world and they are forced to take loans with heavy interest, and the same vicious cycle continues making the life of the less privileged class more miserable. Linking Words
For instance
, the USA, being a resourceful country, is progressing by leaps and bounds, whereas the condition of the people of Sudan is getting miserable.
The issue of unequal distribution of wealth can be solved by inculcating awareness across the globe. The rich ones, on the one hand, must not take the advantage of the weakness of the others, while Linking Words
on the other hand
, the rulers of the poorer ones must devise policies to overcome their issues like poverty, hunger and health problems. Linking Words
will not only create harmony among the people but will Linking Words
uplift the humanity. As an example, the United Nations Organization has to play a vital role in Linking Words
regard to bring prosperity and equality.
To conclude, in order to uplift the mankind, all must join hands for the betterment and uplift of the human race.Linking Words