In the recent time, from the serious issues of Covid-19, a plethora universities offered and teaching courses through the internet. Some individuals think that
virtual learning is beneficial for them compared to physical learning. Linking Words
On the other hand
, There are plenty of disadvantages. The following paragraph would cast light on the pros and cons of online teaching.
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To begin
with, Many developing countries like India, Pakistan has many problems regarding internet network. They are not attending their online classes due to network problems. Linking Words
, Students do not pay much attention for their study from the absence of physical learning atmosphere. Linking Words
For example
, the subject like chemistry has so many practices that students experience only with the performing these tasks. So, these would be the consequences that they faced by virtual teaching.
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In contrast
, the world is growing immensely in the field of digitalisation from the previous decades. Online learning platforms may help benefit for those students, who attend their lectures through anywhere in the world. Linking Words
In addition
, they manage their time Linking Words
of studies and enrolling in other activities like developing some soft skills from learning new softwares which helps them in future. Linking Words
For instance
, students have learned MS Excels, PowerPoint, Word Linking Words
. Linking Words
, they gained some cooking experience from their families. They spend a valuable time with their families, meanwhile study online.
To conclude, on a final note, both paragraphs included advantage and disadvantage for learning courses on online platform. But, I personally suggested that the disadvantages overweigh the advantages. I completely agree with my decision.Linking Words
chauhan chintan