It is undeniable that men who are in love have strong affections, but whether their actions confirm
is debatable. The notion that “men’s love is always confirmed by actions” is totally true and
essay agrees.
proposition will be supported by analysing the fact that men constantly show affection to get attention in return, they always put effort into pleasing whom they are fond of, and they are willing to take responsibility for their actions to prove
, in getting attention, quite a number of men understand that showing a good
impression is lasting, and commitment would always keep it going (Mackay, 2017). Because of
, they become quite meticulous, and cautious of their words or actions in
a way that would satisfy their yearning constantly.
causes them to do anything to keep the momentum going from time to time. A recently concluded research on romantic relationships concluded that while on the one hand, 83 percent of men and 88 percent of women report being “completely” or “very” committed to whom they love,
, 51% of men and 57% of women are “almost certain” that their current relationships will be permanent (McClintock, 2014). Naturally, men’s passion is always inseparable from their actions because when they cherish and admire someone or something, they would prefer to hold on to it/them for as long as possible.
, fondness usually goes along side with the act of appreciation.
aspect cannot be undermined because it represents the value of whom or what is loved. A plethora of persons frequently expresses closeness in the form of gratitude through the use of kind words, buying gifts, hugging, kissing, fantasy, and sexual excitement.
, on Valentine day and Christmas day, people consider giving gifts, throwing parties, cooking a variety of delicacies, and spending more time with families or friends a kind way of showing devotion to their household, families, friends and even those in need. Despite the fact that being close and intimate is influenced by the response given to the needs of a person or thing being loved, showing gratitude would often promote the focus on the positive qualities of who or what is being loved (Craig, 2020).
, being responsible either wholly or partially is another important supporting point to explain how the actions of men would regularly prove the affection they have. To explain
, imagine a dog placed in a cage, without the owner or anyone giving it food to eat,
pet would possibly become malnourished, and may likely die of starvation.
sounds cruel and irresponsible, but explains the idea. In fact, it would be better to let the dog loose for it to fend for itself.
, a pet,
well-fed, properly cared for when ill, and well-trained by its owner would feel loved and would be likely less-hostile. Ultimately, just as
example applies to pets,
the way it applies to human relationships cannot be overemphasized.
In conclusion, it is totally true that the actions of men always confirm the affection they have.
essay proved
by examining three (3) aspects, one is the idea of men having a good impression, and keeping
relationships with commitment, another is trying to please who or what is loved through constant appreciation, and the
idea of taking responsibility used the example of a pet
un-cared for. Overall, it is the action of men that often determines whether the fondness they have would be reciprocated, and
, it is their actions that will still confirm if
passion would continue stronger or diminish.