With the increase in population, citizens are preferring to acquire abundant land areas for their livelihood.
As a result
, green lands have been facing deforestation to establish bricks and mortar in recent years. In Linking Words
essay, we will discuss the causes and effects of the removal of trees due to people will.
Linking Words
, the number of people living in many parts of the world is elevating day-by-day, the concern of having a place to live left no choice, except, occupying forest lands. Linking Words
For instance
, the area surrounding the cities are now converted in the extended city area. Clearly, to fulfil Linking Words
requirements, the greenery needs to be demolished by the government which not only affect the nature but Linking Words
the habitat of the forests. Linking Words
, the support offered by plants to humans in breathing is heavily affected.
Linking Words
, plants and trees provide oxygen which is ubiquitous and support our life cycle. Due to the shortage of plants,there are many breathing problems observed in people. Linking Words
For example
, an increase in population is accompanied by an increase in pollution, having lesser trees to purify the air, a problem like asthma is likely to occur in children and adults. To overcome Linking Words
issue, we should focus on preserving our environment.
To sum up, the situation of the environment has been worsened since the past few years due to people’s necessities. Linking Words
, the forests should be left untouched. Linking Words
, to avoid damaging the nature should be the priority and deforestation must be neglected in order to have a safer life in future.Linking Words
Leena Kapoor