some people claim that not enough of waste from home is recycled. they say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. to what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

recycling is an essential process to keep the planet clean and full of resources, so it should be our
duty, which starts from our own homes. Some argued that the amount of recycled
is highly less than it would be, and they suggest that the government should introduce some laws to enforce the community. In my opinion, I agree with the aforementioned statement as well as In my point of view the authority should spread some awareness about its pros and cons too. The essay will
discuss both facets reaches a logical conclusion.
To begin
with, the view that the
should make some significant rules to force the public and they should create some limits for each house. It is a worldwide fact that sometimes people do not start caring about any mater unless it s imposed by the authority.
, the government would introduce some fines on each home
that is
not recycling the
For example
, a study conducted in the US shows that people start to obey those rules, which inforced with fines and punishments as compared their duties. Even though the
enforces the crowd by imposing fines,
on the other hand
, they should spend some attention on awareness as well, so individuals will have knowledge that how recycled
could benefit them in their future.
, the government need to provide the required services to collect
because people from rural areas do not have frequent services.
For instance
, in India, people who live in villages do not know about
process and how it could be helpful for all of them and obviously, they do not get any service from the
. In conclusion,
, the
can improve the situation by creating new rules to force societies
, the authority or local council
support people with their immediate efforts. If people know that recycling is a necessary process,
they start putting their
into recycling, so we can save our planet though.
Submitted by amndhaliwal7 on

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