With the advent of technology, especially, artificial intelligence and machine learning, computers are taking over more and more roles with the passage of time.
, computers can now take care of financial statements which were once considered too involved to be handled by machines. It is a general consensus that digital
provide amazing tools for studying and can improve learning curves of
by a quick analysis of their learning styles and finding areas where they lack,
, there are psychological areas which artificial intelligence cannot provide assistance for, at least, for now. I will discuss both of these aspects of digital learning in
, of late, the technological advancements have been unprecedented and provided accoutrements for performing tasks with efficiency,
, they've provided pupils with great facilities
as taking notes and amassing millions of books, lectures and study guides on their
which unlike traditional studying methods can be viewed countless times. Contrary to the antediluvian studying style, a single device,
, an Ipad or a laptop is sufficient for completion of a course now.
, the cost involved is comparatively less,
, the ability of digital learning to reach every corner of the world is
revolutionary. Resultantly,
now have greater flexibility and advantage of Ed-tech innovations can help them analyse their study patterns, spotting errors in real-time and receive suggestions for improvements whether they're in a metropolitan city or in a remote village.
, many opine that studying is not limited to gulping course materials and sitting for exams successfully; ethical understanding and psychological support are of utmost importance as well for
, the period of studying is valuable not only in the aspect of learning the course material but
for cognitive and emotional growth
to developing morals and personal values based on ethics and leadership qualities.
, negotiation skills cannot be taught by any computer in the world, it's based on human experience and
can be taught by a seasoned negotiator only. Mentors provide emotional support as well, while an algorithm of the highest order may provide us with the best scenario analysis results and the best possible pathway still the development of a winning attitude can only be facilitated by a mentor.
To sum up, it is vital to have technological
in order to assist
in their learning,
, the support and guidance of a teacher cannot be replaced by handheld
. As
, computers may be ahead in terms of certain tasks yet the cognitive abilities of a seasoned educator cannot be matched by a device. Teachers will always remain a guiding force for the