Food is an essential aspect of human life.
, Cutting-edge improvements created in agronomy, Linking Words
, some folks throughout the world are struggling in starvation. In Linking Words
essay, I will scrutinize the reasons and solutions to resolve Linking Words
Linking Words
To begin
with, in the modern era, an increase in the population is greatly aligned with the demands of residential accommodations. Linking Words
will result in the exploitation of agricultural lands. Linking Words
For instance
, in South Korea, the farming sector is only two per cent and the country is in need of rice bags from neighbour countries. Linking Words
, the society in rural areas of South Korea is extremely suffering even for one meal a day. Linking Words
, the same situation might arise in the future throughout the world. Another problem that needs to be considered is, the change in temperature of the earth over few years due to human activities resulting in dry and drought lands. Due to Linking Words
hot climate and humidity, which is blocking the way for farming. To illustrate Linking Words
, in turkey, the average temperature is 30 degrees throughout the year. Linking Words
, crops and vegetations are impossible in Linking Words
dried regions due to lack of rainfall. Linking Words
, the entire nation is dependant on the imports of edibles from other countries.
A possible solution to these problems would be, Linking Words
, the community should focus on gardening and start the process of cultivation which will help them to avert the food crisis. Linking Words
In other words
, create a campaign program to increase awareness of the surroundings. Linking Words
, people should restrict the actions which are affecting the environment. The government should impose the rules and obligations to reduce the pollution which is impacting the earth's soil and nature.
To conclude, though advancements are made in agriculture yet the farming sector is declining gradually due to increasing demands of real estates and variations in climate. Linking Words
, Linking Words
can be improved with the individual's responsibility by creating an awareness program and begin the process of cultivation.Linking Words