The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care system in an effort to deal with the health issue involved. Some people think that the best way to deal with the problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in the school curriculum. In what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often said that health is more valuable than wealth and it always rings true. Obesity causes a number of diseases that are very dangerous. Due to the rise in the number of people who are obese, some people are of the opinion that the best way to tackle
issue is by introducing more physical education into
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curriculum. I am in complete agreement with
statement and through
essay, I will look to explore the reasons for it.
, the sooner that children are exposed to physical activity, the higher are the chances that they will pick it up.
is to say that human beings are the most active in their childhood so when they are exposed to sports at a young age, they will learn to play and the odds of them continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle through the sport increases.
For instance
, recent studies show that as a person gets older, their energy levels
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decreases unless they make a conscious effort to keep up with their fitness.
, if introduced to fit methods at a young age, it is possible to avoid laziness which
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leads to obesity.
, education raises awareness. The main objective of learning is to know and explore topics that one is unaware of.
, when physical education is taught in schools, children have the opportunity to find out the detriments of laziness, and what an unhealthy life might look like for them in the future. If a person is not aware of how his eating and living habits are affecting his body,
he has no reason, knowledge, or incentive to change himself. So he is most likely to end up obese and helpless. In conclusion, the best way to handle the problem of individuals being overweight is to curb it from the root, and
that is
to start with children. If fitness is instilled as a way of life,
the pressure on
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care system will be relieved over a period of time.
, I agree with
Submitted by vindwar on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • obesity rates
  • health care system
  • physical education
  • instill
  • long term
  • raise awareness
  • healthier lifestyle choices
  • nutritional education
  • active transport
  • quality of instruction
  • facilities and equipment
  • diet control initiatives
  • community sports programs
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