In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

choices are been changing dramatically these days. The majority of the population in few countries are consuming more junk items which are
leading to health issues.
, the government should be imposing heavy taxes on unhealthy foodstuff. I completely agree with
idea and will be elaborating my view on
essay in an exemplary manner.
To begin
with, many companies selling fast cusine are quite cheap which are easy to purchase and have healthy options expensive on their menu which compels the community to buy the more affordable ones.
For instance
, many people just buy a hamburger from McDonald's at a cheaper price as compared to vegetable salad and a glass of fresh orange juice.
, masses in western countries just grab hamburgers or other fried stuff from their favourite fast-
restaurant while on the way to their workplace.
In other words
, junk
seems to them a more convenient and affordable option.
In addition
, there are myriad nations where a fresh meal is much costlier than the frozen foods. The organic feed section in supermarkets is separate and pricey as compared to, the frozen junk
for example
, fries, nuggets, burgers, etc., are kept in attractive discount offers.
strategy of hypermarkets is one of the leading reasons attributed to people's ill health. The government must enforce strict laws against selling harmful edible products
as fizzy drinks, fast foods. To conclude, every individual has their own eating habits and are free to choose between different
options available.
, some people lack knowledge about the
they eat so it is the duty of the government to exercise awareness campaigns and do their best as much as possible to take care of the health of their nationals.
Submitted by Leena Kapoor on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • public health
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • health outcomes
  • healthcare costs
  • consumer behavior
  • socio-economic backgrounds
  • ethical implications
  • public health campaigns
  • subsidies
  • regulations
  • nutritional content
  • healthier food options
  • government intervention
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