There is no doubt that a variety of risk full sports exist. Some people think that these activities must be prohibited while others do not.
essay will explore both views and explain why everyone should be able to choose freely what they want.
To being with, those who enjoy doing dangerous sports claim that nobody can ban them because of the fact that people´s free will would be affected. Everyone must be able to choose to do any kind of activity despite the consequences they may bring. Linking Words
is one of the most important human´s rights .Linking Words
For example
, those who wish to expose themselves Linking Words
a high adrenaline adventure like swimming with a shark or jumping from a plane with a parachute knows what risks are at stake. Change preposition
, it is peoples own responsibility to acknowledge the consequences and be ready to live with them.
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On the other hand
, Linking Words
kind of Linking Words
should be prohibited for they can lead a person into a life´s risk situation. These activities have a high percentage of accidents that can bring permanent physical injuries or even death. Fix the agreement mistake
For instance
in a ski centre, every day the emergence team have to rescue tourists that have injured themselves while skiing down the mountain. Whereas most of them have to be taken to the near hospital immediately, the number of accidents in the ice-skating field that must be evacuated is almost cero during all the season.
In conclusion, despite the high chances of having an incident while doing a sport, none of them should be banned. From my point of view, we have the right to decide if we are willing to accept the risk and Linking Words
live with the consequence.Linking Words