To make a contact with each other there is no alternative way of speaking.
, writing is significant as they are counted as evidence. From my perspective, speaking is the best opting to communicate.
It seems undeniable that people have to talk using their mouth and as a consequence, speaking is essential. A folk has to do various types of work. He has to engage himself Linking Words
sort of task which needs a lot of speaking. Change preposition
in that
, using speaking criteria he can be able to cope up with any works. Linking Words
On the other hand
, some folks consider if there Linking Words
no writing issues, it is not possible to upgrade any kind of Change the verb form
. Fix the agreement mistake
For instance
, using speech a person can be a good leader and make a good relationship with people. Linking Words
On the contrary
, using writing options a folk can be a good journalist.
Linking Words
, speaking can save one time. As a person is busy every kind of work. Linking Words
As a result
, he can manage his project if he uses the speaking options. Linking Words
Change preposition
way, he can be a proper person to the nation. Linking Words
, some individuals think that it is not possible to do any tasks if he writes anything else. It is because humans can forget anything. Linking Words
For example
, using speaking options a folk can do ten to twelve works in a day. Linking Words
On the contrary
, there is a possibility to miss his effort if he does not take any notes and it creates hinder to communication with others.
In conclusion, there is an alternative path of speaking to communicate with each other. Linking Words
, to accomplish any task well writing must be needed.Linking Words