Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

The fact that
plays a predominant role in a wide range of areas including scientific study, business, and academic investigation that has led to an idea to prioritize
, in my opinion, as far as people's interests and societal development are concerned, it should not be encouraged.
To begin
with, some
in business and scientific research is the key to distinguish them from their rivals, indicating that the interest of those entities can not be guaranteed after sharing it.
For example
, the iPhone company dominates the global market due to its cutting-edge technologies. If all the critical data and
are wildly known by other corporations
as Huawei, its market share will definitely decline since there is no identity and appeal to its consumers.
As a result
, the interest of the original company will be violated since its investment is proved to be in vain. It is
true in cases of academic research, where novelty and origin are attached much importance. Admittedly, a voice raises that sharing
is able to facilitate the boost of technology as it can be spread quickly and widely. Ironically, it is the sharing of
that constrains societal progress, since, under
circumstance, an increasing amount of copies and private will appear.
, a tendency may appear that majority of people and companies prefer not to try to innovate themselves but wait for others' sharing, simply because it is regarded as more time-saving and money-saving.
As a result
, the progression of society as a whole can be discouraged and hindered significantly. In conclusion, I maintain the view that the wild sharing of
ought not to be highlighted considering the individual interest and societal evolution.
Submitted by yang-luo19 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • information sharing
  • scientific research
  • business
  • academic world
  • advancement of knowledge
  • progress
  • collaboration
  • cross-disciplinary research
  • open access
  • democratization of information
  • transparency
  • credibility
  • intellectual property
  • security concerns
  • commercial interests
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