Some experts believe that is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Learning another language is undoubtedly beneficial,
, whether it should be learned during secondary school or sooner, has been part of debates recently. Personally, I believe that while
at an earlier age might be mind-wandering, they tend to grasp everything easier,
teaching them a foreign language would be a simpler task. To commence with, it is no mystery that sometimes it is hard for
to focus on a subject. They have a playful characteristic personality which encourages them to interrupt the practising and start playing.
would seem like a disadvantage, there have been several research which proves that
behaviour can be exploited in order to gamify the subject and
, kids would be more interested in them without any external motivation from their parents. Duo Lingo is a great exemplar. It is designed to teach new languages not only to
, the wandering minds of
could be harnassed for the purpose of learning.
On the other hand
, it is intuitive that
could grasp simpler tasks, easier than adults. If you observe their behaviours closely, you would realize that they tend to copy from adults and since their minds are like an empty slate, they effortlessly learn them.
For instance
, when I was in high school, I found it extremely difficult to learn new English words whereas my friends who had started learning it sooner, didn't struggle at all while learning the same subject. To summarize, even though primary school students might lack focus in class,
as a result
of their playful and higher absorbing minds, it would be way easier to teach them a foreign language. In my opinion, educational systems should focus on teaching it to students at an earlier age.
Submitted by armin.oveisi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cognitive abilities
  • pronunciation
  • self-conscious
  • cultural awareness
  • global society
  • proficiency levels
  • competitive job market
  • foundational skills
  • qualified teachers
  • recreational activities
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