Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

Issues related to the environment are frequently discussed these days. It is true that humans have significantly resulted in environmental
over recent years. There are several causes of these topics and the solutions will be shown in the following paragraphs.  As for the
question, there are several steps that governments should do for addressing the climate crisis.
, the greenhouse gases emission control should be released by governments. Since, one of the essential
is that toxic gases, including carbon dioxide, have been hugely emitted by manufacturers.
, the policy can lead the industrial sectors to decrease a huge amount of these gases in the atmosphere.
For instance
, leaders of many countries have attempted to develop their nations to become net-zero cities in 2050 by dealing with the emission rule to confront global warming issues.  Regarding the
question, there are various solutions associated with individuals. In fact, human activities;
as deforestation and using electrical tools, have a negative impact on the surroundings. One of the possible ways to tackle the problem is that supporting recycling campaigns. Recycled products generally have a positive result in the environment because of use less energy in production compared with creating new products. To exemplify, the 'No plastic bags' campaign has been promoted by department stores in many countries in order to encourage consumers to use recycled bags. All things considered;
there are many steps for coping with these
, the environmental
are rapidly continuing.
, individuals and governments should share social responsibility and have an awareness for the future generation as well as the better world.
Submitted by musekusuma on

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