In recent years, due to the publicity of media, especially we-media, access to
for young people, who may not set a good example, has increasingly become easier. Use synonyms
, its negative effects should not be neglected as far as I am concerned.
The main reason is that these teenagers who are obsessed with following Linking Words
often spend plenty of time and money Use synonyms
supporting their idols. Change preposition
For example
, some of them even fly to other cities to see them in person, which often takes at least 2 days and around $400 on average for their accommodation and tickets for shows. Linking Words
In addition
, nowadays, not all Linking Words
are good at their professions or equipped with high qualities; Use synonyms
some of them are just shiny commercial products wrapped by capital. In fact, news about their smoking in public or taking drugs is not uncommon, and Linking Words
can lead the young, full of curiosity, to imitate them and ruin themselves.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are Linking Words
some positive Linking Words
, especially sports ones, who devote themselves to hard and tough train and take part in a wide range of competitions to improve themselves, and Use synonyms
win honours for themselves and even their countries. Linking Words
Linking Words
This kind
of famous people in media can spread the information and power that ‘where there is a will, there is a way’. And sometimes fans even follow their favourite Fix the agreement mistake
These kinds
to do some charity work to assist children living in deprived areas or people suffering from a natural disaster.
In conclusion, there are both positive and negative influences on young adults. The importance and priority Use synonyms
that parents and teachers should educate them carefully and patiently; governments should Change the verb form
regulate media and capital appropriately to create a good living environment.Linking Words