Over the years, billions of dollars have been spent on exploring the universe. Some people are against
explorations and believe that the amount is squandered and could be utilized in solving earth's many problems, while others completely support these investments. I am of the opinion that government should cease spending public funds on these useless quests.
Many people support space researches believing that these studies could save humans. They feel that if explorers found a habitable planet, humans could possibly migrate or extract its resources in future when the earth becomes uninhabitable. Linking Words
, researchers have already found water on Mars and Linking Words
study could lead to fruitful results. Linking Words
, to these supporters, public money is well-spent and these organisations should continue their scientific studies for the existence of mankind.
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On the other hand
, Linking Words
, many people are against the idea of investing in exploring the space as they feel that the funds could be spent on more meaningful causes. Having spent billions of public's money on sending astronauts, satellites, rockets and rovers into the outer world, the results achieved, so far are negligible. Linking Words
of spending a huge portion of the budget on researching other planets, it could be used to provide better education, healthcare and housing facilities to the population here. Linking Words
, as private organisations Linking Words
as Tesla, Amazon are heavily investing in space researchers, it is time for the government organizations to focus on their major duty of serving the citizens.
In conclusion, I agree that funding research organizations should be discontinued and the focus should Linking Words
be on promoting better living conditions for everyone. Linking Words
researching the elements of the universe could possibly lead to the migration of the earth's population, Linking Words
pursuit could be a waste of money if the outcomes are negligible and the funds could be better utilized if they serve humans on Linking Words
planet.Linking Words