A museum near your home is looking for people to do part-time voluntary/unpaid work. You would like to do some voluntary/unpaid work at the museum. Write a letter to the museum director to apply for the unpaid work. In your letter: Explain why you want to do voluntary work at the museum. Describe some skills and qualities you have that would be useful. Give details of when you would be available for work.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing
letter regarding the job offer for part-time voluntary work published in the local newspaper, which I am really interested in applying for. The reason why I would like to be chosen for
opportunity is that I am in my
year of college and
would count as extracurricular hours I am required to have in order to be able to graduate.
, many companies value
type of experience when choosing candidates, as they make you become more empathetic and a better team player,
it would be a great chance for me to improve my skills. I strongly believe that my communication and memory skills would be helpful in your team for guided tours.
In addition
, I have deep knowledge of Office skills, as I took a course, and that allows me to help with administrative activities.
, I am able to learn extremely fast, so I would be able to help you with plenty of tasks. One important piece of information is that I will be available only from December to January during my summer vacation, which is when you receive more visitors. I am free both morning and afternoon, so please choose the one that suits you best. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Mariana
Submitted by mariih_borges on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Enthusiastic
  • Volunteer
  • Part-time
  • Unpaid work
  • Museum director
  • Skills and qualities
  • Customer service
  • Organization
  • Team player
  • Flexible
  • Reliable
  • Positive attitude
  • Availability
  • Professional goals
  • Community contribution
  • References
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