The perspective about marriages has changed a lot due to the influence of media and TV programs.
, many young folks prefer to live together before marriage which facilitates them to have a better understanding of each other before making a decision about their marriages. Personally, I believe that Linking Words
type of arrangement would bring positive changes to the involved parties as they will face real challenges of life and get to know their partners' preferences beforehand.
The foremost reason for supporting the above opinion is that it not only provides a chance to individuals to get to know each other but Linking Words
their preferences. Linking Words
For example
, my cousin who was brought up in northern India and the girl who was from the southern part of India decided to move together which helped them to know each other's cultures and traditions. Linking Words
, it facilitated them to respect each other, and Linking Words
know their likes and dislikes about food and clothes etc.
Linking Words
, couples often experience the hardships of lives beforehand which prepares them for the future since cohabitation allows them to live together under one roof. Linking Words
As a result
, they have to run the house together where they have to share the expenses and responsibilities which would not have been Linking Words
possible if they had just dated. To illustrate, in a survey, it was revealed that live-in relationships give involved parties a realistic picture of their married life as well as a room to decide about their future.
In conclusion, I personally strongly agree with the arrangement of moving together without getting married because it not only allows couples to understand each other better but Linking Words
experiences the hardships and challenges of married lives beforehand which results in fewer divorces.Linking Words