Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research,business and the academic world.Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

era,a variety of problems are increasing because of many ranges reasons
as educational,financial or global factors.
,oodles of solutions are being enhanced and shared .Some societies claim that sharing info is better for
whereas other sides assert that sharing advice is not only remarkable but
too essential to be shared freely.I totally agree that
had better share whatever they observed and acquired knowledge because
situation can generate better population thanks to collaboration ideas.
essay will be discussed herewith both these ideas.
,sharing whatever learnt technique or methods is very important for some individuals because of a logical reason
that is
health.Problems which are related to health are spreading day by day and more nations are suffering from a lack of solutions to illnesses.
want to share remedies in order to recover from community illnesses.
For instance
,recently,many individuals have been dead from covid-19 and at the same ,time more searches have been conducted by global researchers and scientists from different regions.
As a result
, via effective vaccines
as Bion-tech and Sinovac were discovered so many humans can be protected .It is
agreed that some
encourage sharing data.
On the other hand
,sharing information can be a drawback for another side due to a logical reason is war strategies.From the previous to the contemporary world lots of wars were won by unique and remarkable methods in developed countries.
, some countries don't want to share their own methods so as to take precautions in the future time.To illustrate that U.S,France and Italy have special and strong techniques for fighting
as technological and biological weapons they have and these strategies have not been known by other countries thanks to keeping secret. To summarize, when all of these factors are taken into account
have different ideas about sharing the information better or not on some occurrences
more perceptions is existed because of these valid reasons.
Submitted by inciisleyen on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • information sharing
  • scientific research
  • business
  • academic world
  • advancement of knowledge
  • progress
  • collaboration
  • cross-disciplinary research
  • open access
  • democratization of information
  • transparency
  • credibility
  • intellectual property
  • security concerns
  • commercial interests
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