There are two different ideas about improving cities, one of them says, the government have to renew old structure and keep the city’s appearance in good condition, while, others believe that, that money should spend on new construction and road expansion. I agree with both views because I think development is necessary to have a contemporary city,
, renovation especially of historical mansions keeps our traditional culture. in Linking Words
essay, I will mention my point of view and Linking Words
nowadays and after years, most of the frames which are mostly located in the centre of cities became damaged. Linking Words
residence Linking Words
neighbourhoods have signs of the ancient culture and historical events Linking Words
, some of them are tourist attractions, Linking Words
for instance
, Galledari Hamam in Bandar Abbas. Linking Words
, the government has a duty to keep them in a better situation, with many ways, exemplify, specify tickets for visitors and spend those incomes for renovation. Linking Words
, there are some non-profit organisations which are interested in old and historical places and keeping them.
Linking Words
on the other hand
, due to increasing population growth, developing and expanding buildings particularly, public buildings Linking Words
as stadiums, public halls even large exhibitions places and Linking Words
, and widening roads and improving all city services, have to be a priority for governments. because Linking Words
services provide a desirable condition for society.
In conclusion, due to all mentioned reasons, the development of cities as well as roads Linking Words
, public facilities are very important, for the survival of civilisation, Linking Words
, the government can spend a suitable budget which provides by other organisations and charities with exact evaluation to keep old buildings and neighbourhoods useful.Linking Words