contemporary era, the male section of the society prefers staying at their dwelling in order to look after their kids while mothers usually went outside to task.Linking Words
,it compels us to figure out the reasons behind Linking Words
muddle.Linking Words
,I profoundly assert that Linking Words
movement has multifarious benefits that will lead to the development of society.
To commence with,the Linking Words
and foremost reason behind Linking Words
is the changing direction that the communities are adapting.To be more precise,both men and women are considered to be the paramount pillars of the region and equal relevance is given to these genders as well nowadays societies are trying to set an example by providing more privilege to females.Linking Words
For instance
,recently in ,England a new tendency has been followed by the denizens in which the father of the kids are looking after the household chores while girls are breadwinners in the home.Linking Words
, the mother usually travels to work.Linking Words
On the other hand
,males look after the routine tasks of the house which include the grooming of a child.
Linking Words
In addition
to it,to diminish the economic loss and to reduce the issues related to the termination of the job guy spends their pivotal hours with their kids.To explain it, mothers take maternity leave during their pregnancy which leads them to stay out of the industry for around 10-12 months.For Linking Words
reason, fathers took off from their job for some time,so that wives could continue working which Linking Words
leads to the security of their job.Linking Words
For example
,some companies while hiring employees ,especially the female candidates put a condition in the contract stating that they can exempt them from leave for up to one year.Linking Words
,there are chances they can lose their position.Linking Words
As a result
, boys contribute to the household chores and girl continues their work.
In conclusion,I certainly believe that it is a positive tendency as it has myriad benefits like mothers can secure their trials after taking a long gap.Linking Words
,they can have a sense of belongingness in society if they are given equal importance as that given to the male section.Linking Words