The values that we learn from our parents and family have greater influence on our future success than knowledge and skills we learn at school. Do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that home training is more useful to our future achievements than the skills acquired from school.
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completely disagree with
view and will explore my reasons in the subsequent paragraphs.
and foremost, teachers are professionals who have been trained and acquired special skills needed to guide pupils rightly. 
ability has given them an edge over parents who cannot direct their wards on how to perform intellectual tasks.
For example
,  research carried out by the National Population Commission in kano Nigeria, on the performances of children in relation to their intellectual capabilities,  reported that those who went to school outshine their counterparts.
, in a modern world where the economy keeps getting harder with each passing day,  one will need more than just the family culture to thrive well.
For instance
, almost all meaningful and well-paying jobs would require some degree of knowledge with certifications that can only be gotten from the academic section.
automatically becomes a stumbling block for any individual that learns only from the home.
, The teachings from schools are  more important than the knowledge gained from the home in ensuring a successful life. In conclusion,
some schools of thought think that the principles learnt from the family are more impactful to our future than those gotten from professional institutions,
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am totally not in support of
idea because the skills and the certificates acquired from the educational centres are highly important in attaining greater heights in life.
Submitted by chikajoy23.rn on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • influence
  • future success
  • family values
  • knowledge and skills
  • shape
  • beliefs
  • behavior
  • emotional support
  • encouragement
  • academic education
  • discipline
  • time management
  • contribute to
  • extent
  • agree
  • disagree
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