There is no doubt that over the
decade, learning other's
nationChange noun form
show examples
becameChange the verb form
show examples
hotAdd an article
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topic in
educationCorrect article usage
show examples
System. In
essay, I will shed some light on the merits and the demerits of learning
foreignAdd an article
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at primary school rather than
and foremost, Studying
uniqueCorrect article usage
show examples
in childhood makes very strong basics which help
Add an article
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studentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to grasp
advanceReplace the word
show examples
topicFix the agreement mistake
show examples
easily in minimal time.English is one of the genres of Foreign languages which uses across the globe.
helps in various ways like
StudentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can attempt competitive
examFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of any other state in
Change the capitalization
show examples
englishCorrect article usage
show examples
which gives them hope to grab
jobFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, National sports players can communicate with international players which helps them learn
differentChange preposition
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cultureFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, Doing international
tradesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
becomes feasible as communication becomes easy which
increases the economic rate of any nation.
, Around three decades ago,
JapaneseCorrect article usage
show examples
haveChange the verb form
show examples
imposed teaching
englishChange the capitalization
show examples
foreignAdd an article
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which has given
Correct article usage
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resultFix the agreement mistake
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,.Change the punctuation
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The GDP has increased from 4.3% to 8.4% which makes japan now
developedCorrect article usage
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ContraryFix capitalization
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, there are
fewCorrect article usage
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on Change preposition
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from primary school leads to de-prioritize the learning of
motherCorrect article usage
show examples
and due to
youngerAdd an article
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haveChange the verb form
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trivial knowledge about ancient culture ,
ritualsCorrect word choice
show examples
leads to adapting
ofChange preposition
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western culture which changes the lifestyle of
asianChange the capitalization
show examples
country people.
, According to
surveyAdd an article
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of Indian Hindu society, 5.3% of present generation kids have lesser knowledge
onChange preposition
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nationalCorrect article usage
show examples
Having considered
rangeAdd an article
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of arguments, I have drawn
anChange the article
show examples
conclusion that
there are demerits of learning
non-nationalAdd an article
the non-national
a non-national
show examples
at primary but the Studying
foreignCorrect article usage
show examples
has more merits as
opens the
cross countryAdd a hyphen
show examples
businessCorrect word choice
show examples
tradesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and hikes the economic rate of
nationAdd an article
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